Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Things I'm thankful for...

I realize I'm a little late but I feel like to be a good blogger I must recognize the holidays. So, Thanksgiving just came and passed and I would like to post a few things I'm thankful for.

First, I am thankful that facebook gives you the option to not announce to everyone your scores when you play a game. I'm not even real proud of the fact that I play games on facebook but I do play Bejewled Blitz when I'm bored and 90% of the time I get a score I'm not proud of. Facebook is always proud of me. "You got a 25k medal!" Your friend on the side who scored 433,000 probably gets 25,000 in her sleep but good job, let's tell everyone! But then they offer you the option of control "Or... I guess you can cancel this and pretend it never happened..." Thank you facebook :)

I'm also thankful for email and text messages. I know people say they're ruining the way people communicate, but I'm pretty sure they're helpin me out. I'm awkward to talk to. At least with texting and emailing I have time to go back and edit what I'm saying. Text messages have also helped my family communicate much better. Mass texts = amazing.

While I may be awkward to talk to at least I am fortunate enough to not be rude or completely obnoxious. I would much rather be quiet or "shy" than annoying. I may have less friends because of this but they are much better listeners :)

I'm also grateful this season for my puppy. He may bite me all the freakin time but every once in a while he sits back and actually looks cute.

Who could be mad at that? Only a puppy hater, which I am not.

I'm grateful for study guides. Without them I have to rely completely on notes... which sucks...

Of course I am grateful for my family and friends. They make me feel loved all the time. I would like to share a story told to me by my sister.
My adorable niece Victoria is two but she's pretty behind when it comes to talking and most social stuff. She doesn't speak in full sentences but she does understand a ton and she's getting pretty good at copying. Whenever my sister kneels with her to say nightly prayers Victoria will either pretend to repeat what my sister says or she'll just say her own prayer out loud. On Thanksgiving night my sister put her to bed after we had spent the day with her. We'd been with the entire family but when Victoria said her own prayer she decided rather than repeating she was going to make up her own words. The only names she mentioned in her prayer were "Ahhy and Bwendn"--which is me and my husband. If I've got that little girl prayin for me I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be ok :)