Monday, June 4, 2012

I kinda forgot...

So I sort of forgot I had this blog. Now is a pretty good time for me to get serious about blogging though cause I'm about to become a mama!

I am due June 12 but we are hoping and hoping our little girl makes an appearance tomorrow! Of course all the negative people out there will say "She'll come when she comes. There's nothing you can do to speed it up" but we prefer to be positive.

We're staying positive about a lot of things. Pregnancy is not easy for a number of reasons. I'm uncomfortable, of course, even though I've been blessed to not have any real morning sickness, but what I really can't stand is all the people who have something to say. So allow me to vent about that for a moment...

Fat jokes. When I was first beginning to really show it was a challenge for me. I've always been tiny and now I was gaining all this crazy weight and I didn't like it. So of course that's when all the old men I run into decide it's ok to start making fat jokes. Seriously, these are men with children of their own. Did their wive's pregnancies teach them nothing?!
Two comments I really hate:
"I've never seen you eat this much!" I've always been a good eater. Just because I've never looked like it before does not mean it hasn't happened. I am not eating twice as much just because I'm pregnant. This is a normal amount of food for me. My self esteem is suffering, I really don't need you pointing out my food habits for everyone to see.
"Looks like you've been eating too much!" Again, I'm not eating any more than I usually do. I know this is just your "cute" way of saying "You're putting on some weight" but this comment is just not necessary.

Then there are all the women who have to laugh in your face when you say you're thinking about a natural birth. I will say, I haven't made up my mind either way, but if you're just going to laugh at my thoughts, why even bring this up in conversation?
Them: Good luck. You're NOT going to try to do it without drugs, right?
Me: I don't know. I'm thinking about it.
Them: Ha! Yeah right! As soon as you get in there you'll be screaming for the epidural!
I don't think you know my body as well as I do. I'll make the decision when it's right for me. People like this make me want to have a natural birth just so I can shove it in their face later. Women do it all the time. Why can't I?

Then there are the safety experts. They chime in on everything from crib placement to breastfeeding to cleaning products. As if I don't have enough to worry about. You really think it's a bad idea to hang a framed picture in the nursery? As if the nursery is the only place my baby will ever be. If a frame isn't safe in the nursery, why is it ok in any other room? Should I just remove any decor from my house and add padding to any and every corner of everything? Oooo but I have to be careful with that too. I wouldn't want to use the wrong kind of rubber or plastic and poison my baby. I also need to repaint my entire house to make sure the paint is safe for the baby. And while we're at it I should probably move all my furniture 8 inches away from the wall so that the baby can't stand on anything to reach anything on the shelves. I don't have time for this.

And of course, the "Your life is gonna change forever" people. These people seem to believe once you have a child, your life is over. You will be stuck at home for the next 18 years with no sleep and no happiness. Your baby will probably be a real pain, full of hormones and drama. They will hate you. Deal with it.
Seriously? If all kids ever do is screw up your life and hate you, why do you keep having them? Pretty sure I'm gonna love my baby and they'll love me back. Maybe that's too optimistic. We'll see.

Finally there are the "You need to practice" people. These people are just trying to get you to take care of their screaming/tantrum-throwing/smelly diaper kid for a little bit. Not gonna happen. We'll deal with that part of raising kids when we get there. Stop trying to convince me that kids are cranky and smelly all the time and this is something I need to acclimate myself to.

I'm not expecting everything to be perfect right from the beginning but I do plan to be a happy and active parent. I plan on having active and happy kids and a beautiful birth too. Can you just be happy for me and leave it at that? Ok thanks!

I've had lots of people who ARE super supportive and positive and wonderful to hear from. They are the ones I've returned to for more answers because I feel like their answers are realistic and not pessimistic. Thank you to those people!