Monday, January 24, 2011


I need to have a baby for social reasons.

I have not regretted getting married young. It gave us so much more time! Almost everyone gave us the advice to wait to have kids. So far, we have, and it was great advice. We have been married for almost two years and we’ve been able to go on some fun vacations and pretty much do whatever we want. But we’ve never found that great couple that we can hang out with.

Now we just bought a house. We’re excited about the house. It's small and fits us just perfectly but a new house means a new neighborhood with new neighbors and a new ward at church. New couples.

We love our ward. When we moved in we were excited to see we were not the only young couple there. We took note of two or three couples with no kids that we could get to know.

But now I’m looking around. All the couples we were hoping to get to know… are pregnant.

This is why I was glad I got married young. None of my friends were married yet so there was no pressure to have kids right away. We could still hang out with them and just have fun. Now they’re all getting married and we were so excited! However, it seems no one else is following our example and waiting to have kids.  They’re all pregnant.

For a while none of my siblings had kids either. I grew up with a few good cousins and I want my kids to have lots of cousins their age too because I love spending time with my family – I want my kids to enjoy that time too. Guess who got kids? BOTH of my sisters!

Another reason I want a kid is because I have a hard time getting to know people. I’m pretty awkward. But kids are an excellent talking point! I have so many cute stories about my nieces but any mother listening to me talking about a kid I’m not personally raising is just gonna think I’m a weirdo.  You need your own kid in order to talk about kids.

So I’m baby crazy! I am DYING to have a child. I feel ready to be a mom. But honestly, we’re not ready. Yes we have a house but we also have very low pay and a few more years of school ahead of us and absolutely no time.

Of course the main problem is school and the only way for us to get through school is with time. I’ve got a year left, Brendon has at least two years left. At the moment I am working 36 hours and taking 16 credit hours at school. I get home around 7 p.m. on a good night (10:30 p.m. on some nights).  Brendon leaves the house around 5:45 a.m.. I leave at 7 or 8. Our dog hates us.

Anyways those are my excuses.
So here’s my reasons for wanting a baby:
1.     I would like to have a conversation starter
2.     I want to fit in with my friends
3.     I want to make new friends
4.     I’m crazy jealous of everyone else who has a kid because they’re so gosh darn cute
5.     I want my kids to grow up with other kids their age
6.     I want to be a mom

Reasons against having a baby:
1.     Gotta finish school
2.     Gotta get Brendon through school
3.     Gotta find a job that gives me reasonable hours and time off for my pregnancy.

So I definitely have more reasons for wanting a baby… that’s enough right?

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious!!!! I love reading your stuff.
    I am not going to preach to you about having babies. I think you guys are smart and you know about things. But I will say, that your reasons for waiting - are valid - but pale in comparision to the blessings you will recive when you have a child. As cool as you think you life is now - Trust me - the power that comes with being a MOM, and the blessings that get poured out upon your household your life will rock. It wont be easy, but it will rock.
