Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm kinda awesome

So... I'm pretty awesome. That's really all I have to say.

I admit -- it might not be all me. My Heavenly Father's watchin out for me too. My husband and I have been dying paying for our freaking apartment! We bought a house, couldn't get out of our lease, and have ended up paying for part of the lease as well as our mortgage for the past few months. All of this while I completed an unpaid internship and was bringing in about 400-500 dollars a month. We lived off Brendon and cried at the end of the month -- every month. And then sulkily asked his mom for the help we needed. She always helped, and we always felt terrible and immature because we couldn't pay our bills.

I prayed so hard! I couldn't take it anymore! There was so much I felt like I was missing out on because I just couldn't afford it.

Our prayers were answered in many ways:
1. My amazing best friend moved here and offered to pay the full price of the apartment for January -- even though they only lived there for part of the month. That helped us pay our mortgage for February.
2. A manager at a different store found a new job and Brendon took over his spot. This may or may not mean a pay raise but it does mean he gets benefits and bonuses and he's definitely more excited about his job.
3. The last one is kind of tricky. First of all I got a paid internship -- which was awesome. That extra money really helped our bills and we were feeling comfortable for once... and then it got better.
4. I was offered a job. A real job. A full time, benefits included, reporting job at a local paper. The pay isn't awesome but the job is actually perfect for me. And most importantly, it's something I can count on for a while as long as I work impossibly hard -- which I love to do!

But I'm awesome because it's my hard work during my unpaid internship that got me the job offer. The editor said I really impressed her. So... go me! And go Brendon because his new position is awesome too and I know he worked hard to achieve it. And thank you Heavenly Father for answering our prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Your wrong. You are not kind of awesome, you are all the way awesome!
